

‘The study of geography is more than just memorising places ion a map. It’s about understanding the complexities of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents.’ Barak Obama

Our children live in an ever-changing, rapidly advancing world where new knowledge and new skills need to be acquired, understood and mastered at a rate previously unheard of.

We aim to enable children to learn the full range of knowledge, skills and understanding in order to appreciate their world as well as recognising and embracing their role in becoming citizens who make a positive contribution to our society; now and in the future.

Our community and its environment help shape the way in which we structure learning opportunities. We balance the celebration of all positive aspects of our local context with the ability to look beyond the Furness Peninsula in order to understand and embrace the wider world.

We are totally committed to learning of the highest standard in academic, personal and social forms and have these aspirations for all children in our care.

Our aim is to provide children with a high quality geography curriculum that engages, inspires and challenges them, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to better understand the ever changing world around them.

Our Geography curriculum is based on the National Curriculum aims and subject content. Topics are organised over a two year rolling programme due to mixed aged classes and resources from CUSP (Curriculum with Unity Schools Partnership) support the development of key language, vocabulary and knowledge in the subject.

Topics will focus on local areas familiar to the children before progressing to wider national and international locations. Opportunities are provided to develop an understanding of how landscapes are formed and how human activity alters these.

Throughout our lessons encourage children to ask questions about the world around them and develop an insight into and a responsibility towards the environment.

Where possible, geographical skills will be enhanced through fieldwork activities as well as through the use of digital mapping resources. Links to Global Goals and current environmental issues are also discussed when appropriate throughout the topics.

Our Vision

George Romney is a safe and happy place to learn.

Our children are nurtured as individuals with different abilities and talents which are celebrated and developed.

Our stimulating and reflective curriculum inspires children to ask questions and develop positive attitudes to learning, both now and for the future.