Religious Education

Religious Education

‘My religion is very simple; my religion is kindness’ Dalai Lama

We are totally committed to learning of the highest standard in academic, personal and social forms and have these aspirations for all children in our care.

Our RE curriculum draws on the Cumbria Agreed Syllabus for RE 2023 guidance and ‘Why use P4C in the teaching of RE?’ (SAPRE). Topics are organised over a two year rolling programme due to mixed aged classes. We have a progressive approach to R.E building on previous learning.

Our RE curriculum is designed to engage and inspire learners. We want children to be able to make intellectually informed judgements about a variety of religious and non-religious world views and to have the confidence to discuss their own thoughts and views. It aims to encourage children to develop an awareness and respect for the diversity of different religious and non- religious world views. Our RE syllabus aims to use a disciplinary approach to allow children to gain and use skills rooted in theology, philosophy and the human sciences and to engage critically with these views.

Teaching of R.E. links to many other aspects of our curriculum and promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society. It will prepare children here for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.

Our Vision

George Romney is a safe and happy place to learn.

Our children are nurtured as individuals with different abilities and talents which are celebrated and developed.

Our stimulating and reflective curriculum inspires children to ask questions and develop positive attitudes to learning, both now and for the future.