School Curriculum

The School Curriculum

At George Romney we aim to provide a rich, broad and creative curriculum which motivates and inspires our children and also encourages them to be actively involved in making choices about their learning.

Our children live in an ever-changing, rapidly advancing world where new knowledge and new skills need to be acquired, understood and mastered at a rate previously unheard of. 

We aim to enable children to learn the full range of knowledge, skills and understanding in order to appreciate their world as well as recognising and embracing their role in becoming citizens who make a positive contribution to our society; now and in the future. Our community and it’s environment help shape the way in which we structure learning opportunities.

We balance the celebration of all positive aspects of our local context with the ability to look beyond the Furness Peninsula in order to understand and embrace the wider world. We are totally committed to learning of the highest standard in academic, personal and social forms and have these aspirations for all children in our care.

The foundation subjects are studied through topic based themes and cross curricular links are made wherever possible and encourage children to make links with their learning.

Topics have been developed with a great emphasis on global culture and cover aspects of history, geography, music, art, design and technology and P.E. as well as beliefs and faiths from around the world. Our Curriculum follows a two year rolling programme and takes into full consideration the National Curriculum as well as additional essential components such as the United Nations Global Goals for sustainable development.

We understand the importance for children to be provided with the opportunity to develop a life long love of learning and to have the opportunity to practice the skills that they will need as they progress through to secondary education and on into later life.

The school is constantly assessing and evaluating the curriculum content in order to reach the high expectations in maths and English which are required. Parents will already be aware of the greater emphasis on spelling and grammar in writing and topics such as algebra in maths. You can be assured that as a staff we are all working hard to implement these changes in a way that supports and develops all children here in school in the best possible way.

Our Vision

George Romney is a safe and happy place to learn.

Our children are nurtured as individuals with different abilities and talents which are celebrated and developed.

Our stimulating and reflective curriculum inspires children to ask questions and develop positive attitudes to learning, both now and for the future.