

Our school motto is ‘A Happy place to learn!’ This was created by one of our children and it is really so important to us!

Every member of staff here at George Romney Junior School is committed to ensuring the safest learning environment and ethos for all the children in our community. We ALL have a statutory duty to:

‘Protect and promote the welfare of children’

The specific definition of safeguarding states our duties are about:

  • providing help and support to meet the needs of children as soon as problems emerge
  • protecting children from maltreatment, whether that is within or outside the home, including online
  • preventing impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development
  • ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
  • promoting the upbringing of children with their birth parents, or otherwise their family network through a kinship care arrangement, whenever possible and where this is in the best interests of the children
  • taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes in line with the outcomes set out in the Children’s Social Care National

 (Working Together to Safeguard Children, HM Government, December 2023) 

If you have any concerns about the health, safety or well-being of a child at this setting or feel that something may be troubling them, you should share this information with an appropriate member of staff straight away.

Do not worry that you may be reporting small matters – we would rather that you tell us things which turn out to be small than miss a worrying situation.

However, if you think the matter is very serious and may be related to a child protection concern, e.g. physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect, you must talk to the people below immediately.

If you are unable to contact then you can ask the office staff to find them and ask them to speak to you straight away about a confidential and urgent matter.

Any allegation or disclosure involving a member of staff, a child’s foster carer or a volunteer at this setting must be reported directly to the Head (Mr David Reddy), unless it involves the Head and then it should be reported directly to the Chair of the Governing Body (Mrs Joy Lowes)

The Designated Safeguarding Lead: David Reddy

Deputy Safeguarding Lead:
Jo Dorsett

Deputy Safeguarding
Sue Gallagher

The Safeguarding Lead Governor:
Joy Lowes

Our Vision

George Romney is a safe and happy place to learn.

Our children are nurtured as individuals with different abilities and talents which are celebrated and developed.

Our stimulating and reflective curriculum inspires children to ask questions and develop positive attitudes to learning, both now and for the future.