Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They report directly to Parliament and are independent and impartial. Ofsted inspect and regulate services which care for children and young people, and those providing education and skills for learners of all ages.
As such George Romney Junior School is regularly inspected and the results of those reports are available for anyone to see.
This is a highly effective school, where senior leaders, teachers and all staff have very high expectations of pupils. Together they ensure that learning is exciting and memorable, and that all pupils reach their potential.’ An excellent opening statement of any school inspection report!
To read the latest school inspection report in full click here
The Department for Education was formed on 12 May 2010 and is responsible for education and children’s services.
George Romney is a safe and happy place to learn.
Our children are nurtured as individuals with different abilities and talents which are celebrated and developed.
Our stimulating and reflective curriculum inspires children to ask questions and develop positive attitudes to learning, both now and for the future.